Well, we know what editing is - to prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.


"Quick Edits" work the same way because web pages are actually written documents on the web (using HTML codes) that may contain images that are published so all with internet connections can view those documents.


We Perform 3 Types of Edits:



"Quick Edits" are available to make minor changes to your Web Property. These edits are considered Quick Edits if  the requested task takes 20 minutes or less to complete. The "Quick Update/Edit" WIP Credit is used to make changes to your Web Property such as;


  • Outdated links to include old dates, seasonal text content, revised/updated text content.


  • Broken links that need redirecting, repairing or removing.


  • Misspelled or wrong text content that takes less than 20 minutes to complete.


  • Small sentence edits (such as 2 or 3 words) that doesn't cause major content shifting to the web page or changes to the layout.



"Post Editing" refers to adding or removing a small piece of content from a web page.


"Full Editing" refers to changing or updating a full web page. It also refers to edit requests that are estimated to take longer than the max of 20 minutes.


If you are requesting to make major edits to your web page, or the edits you are requesting requires the content of the web page to shift, the requested task will be processed as a Full Edit request. 


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